Saguaro National Park
Artist in Residence Program Policies
COVID-19 SAFETY: Face masks may be required on NPS-administered lands where physical distancing cannot be maintained and in all NPS buildings and facilities. Park operations vary based on local public health conditions. Before a residency, please check the park website to determine its operating status. Additional details are available at www.nps.gov/coronavirus
All insurance including automobile, health, accidental, and insurance to cover all art, supplies, personal items is the sole responsibility of the artist as any and all insurance will not be provided by NPAF. Proof of insurances must be provided. Any and all terms herein may change and are subject to the approval of the NPS and NPAF. All insurance is required of the selected artist(s) including automobile, health, accidental and insurance to cover all art, supplies, personal items and is the sole responsibility of the artist as any and all insurance will not be provided by NPAF or park Friends groups.
An ‘Artist Couple’ or ‘Artist Group’ is defined as a creative partnership—not necessarily spousal or legal—between two or more people for the purpose of making artwork inspired by this residency. ONLY ONE PERSON ON THE APPLICATION IS REQUIRED TO BE AN ARTIST. ALL can be artists, but only ONE is required. Only persons listed on the application will be able to attend the residency. Residency, housing, and other park amenities are exclusively for the artist’s (and their party) use only. For the purposes of this Saguaro National Park NPAF Artist in Residence Permitting Process, every person attending the residency is considered an applicant.
(NOTE: THIS SECTION IS OPTIONAL FOR THIS RESIDENCY) Artists may address, in their proposal, how they plan to engage the public, in Plein air and/or during art process time and in their public engagement. Any ideas for public interaction will be considered but must be authorized explicitly by NPAF. This can include public programs, special engagements, en Plein Air locations, and social media for public engagement purposes. This is not required.
The artist in residence will be granted lodging, and in this case, a public event is OPTIONAL and may be suggested by the applicant(s). The artist must commit to the entire term that listed in the application that they will be applying for.
ARRIVAL: Selected Artist(s) must schedule their arrival between 10-3 on federal workdays, and must have their own transportation for the month of the residency.
PARK RULES: While in the park, artists will abide by all park rules, NPS rules, and regulations concerning all aspects of the park and its environment.
RESPONSIBILITIES: Artists need to provide their own art supplies, equipment, personal items, all insurance, and reliable transportation. Artists should be self-sufficient, independent and enjoy working in a public environment, and able to commit to the full AiR term.
PRESENTATIONS: (NOTE: THIS SECTION IS OPTIONAL FOR THIS RESIDENCY) Artists may present, at minimum one, one-hour public program, workshop, concert, or lecture during their residency inspired by Saguaro National Park, which can be presented at a venue, or online as deemed by the NPAF staff. Artists must provide their own car and liability insurance, supplies, and equipment for these presentations. Again, a presentation is not required.Artists may present, at minimum one, one-hour public program, workshop, concert or lecture during their residency at Chaco Culture National Historic Park, which can be presented either at the park or another venue as deemed by NPAF and NPS staff. This presentation (above) may be the same program repeated and will reflect the artist’s medium, interest, and park experience. If Artists wish to do more participatory engagement with the public, that is encouraged. Put forth specific ideas for public interaction in the application. Workshops are open to both visitors and the public at large. Artists must provide their own car and liability insurance, supplies, and equipment for these presentations. We also encourage artists to give public presentations in their own community about their residency experience in Chaco Culture NHP to further broaden the reach of the program’s purpose.
We have hosted a number of international artists successfully in the past. We encourage you to apply. However, depending on the visa that is required of you for your stay by the relevant federal agency, NPAF may not be allowed under U.S. law to convey donated, travel, or other funds to you for the residency. We may be able to reimburse you. All stipends and/or reimbursements are governed by U.S. law and that of your country of origin — NPAF abides by these laws. So if this is crucial, please check with the U.S. embassy/consulate in your country.
INTERRUPTIONS, CANCELATIONS, AND RESCHEDULING: NPAF cannot guarantee or be held responsible for Artist Residence or program interruptions or cancellations because of Government decisions or natural causes. The artist in residence program may be canceled or interrupted due to a government shutdown, for unforeseen circumstances, or during any hazardous weather conditions including, but not limited to, park closings, fire danger, etc. No funds, grants, or stipends will be issued if the program is canceled or interrupted for any reason. The artist(s)-in-residence program may be canceled or interrupted due to a government shutdown, artist non participation, or during any hazardous weather conditions, including, but not limited to, hurricanes, fire danger, environmental concerns, or any unforeseen circumstances, natural or otherwise, to which NPAF and any affiliates will NOT be held accountable or responsible, no refunds will be issued. NPAF cannot guarantee or be held responsible for AIR interruptions, nonacceptance of AIR program, artists, artwork or cancellations, or delays because of Government decisions or natural causes. NPAF will try to make all efforts to reschedule a delayed residency, but cancelations do occur. The remainder of the residency term may be negotiated to be made up at a later date.
ARTIST SELECTION POLICY: Only selected artists will be contacted. It is the artists' own initiative to check the status of their proposal submission through accessing their proposal submission through the URL for which they applied. At request, through the URL, we will allow edits and additions up to ten days before the deadline. If you are contacted as a finalist & if our panelists feel that further detail is needed for the application — finalists will be asked to submit the required materials (such as a detailed proposal, etc)
REGARDING CONTRIBUTIONS: NPAF is NOT responsible for and will not return any donations or fees, contributions, monies spent, monies owed, or any funding if there is a natural occurrence or anything that interrupts, changes, delays, or cancels the program in any way.
ARTIST’S COMMITMENTS: If the selected artist cancels, delays, or does not reply in a timely fashion to any important communication from NPAF, or in any way impedes the program after committing to the program, they will be held responsible for all funding and expenses devoted to any part of the program. The accepted artist will owe any funds spent or owed by/to NPAF as it pertains to the program if the artist(s) cancels, delays, or changes any part of the program. If the AiR program is terminated or interrupted, the artist(s) in residence may be directed to relocate from the park or hazardous area. The remainder residency term may be made up at a later date at the discretion of the NPAF. Artist(s) will be responsible for all costs affiliated with the program if they are the selected artists(s) to the program, and then cancel, change or delay the program in any way, prior, during, or post the residency term.
USE OF ARTWORK AND LIKENESSES: Applicants grant use of any and all pieces of their submitted application proposal materials to further the purpose of the program (and/or promoting the selected artist(s)) through television, radio, interviews, magazines, books, internet, newspapers, grants or endowment applications, presentations and any and all media.
POLICIES & TERMS MAY CHANGE: Any terms herein may change without notice and are subject to the approval of NPAF, or any governing entity. All AiR participants may be required to accept further conditions and contracts including but not limited to; Background checks, codes of conduct, Gift and/or donation agreements, images releases for their person and/or artwork, codes of conduct, special use permits, rules and regulations, housing agreements, volunteer in the parks contracts, J-1 visa application and acceptance (for international artists) and any other apparent and unforeseen agreements required of any governing entity, namely NPAF (NPAF and affiliates sponsor and support this specific program) and all pertaining laws. All funding and acceptance to programs are subject to U.S. and international laws. Any terms herein may change without notice and are subject to the approval of the NPAF or any lawful governing entity.